Initial steps

If you get hired in an Automotive cyber security job role without any experience, some possible steps to take include:

  1. Research and familiarize yourself with the specific technologies, systems, and protocols used in automotive systems.

  2. Learn about automotive cybersecurity best practices and standards, such as ISO/SAE 21434.

  3. Seek guidance and mentorship from more experienced colleagues.

  4. Pursue relevant training and certification programs.

  5. Stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and emerging threats through research and continuous learning.

If you get hired in an Automotive cyber security job role without any experience, I would suggest the following steps:

  1. Start by understanding the basics of automotive systems, including their components and how they work together.

  2. Research common vulnerabilities in automotive systems, including those related to communication protocols like CAN and LIN.

  3. Use online resources and community forums to connect with more experienced professionals and learn from their expertise.

  4. Consider pursuing relevant training or certification programs to build your knowledge and skills.

  5. Use trial-and-error methods to gain hands-on experience with different testing and exploitation tools, such as fuzzers and packet sniffers. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Last updated