Binary Symlinks Escalation


Linux VM

1. In command prompt type: dpkg -l | grep nginx

2. From the output, notice that the installed nginx version is below 1.6.2-5+deb8u3.


Linux VM – Terminal 1

1. For this exploit, it is required that the user be www-data. To simulate this escalate to root by typing: su root

2. The root password is password123

3. Once escalated to root, in command prompt type: su -l www-data

4. In command prompt type: /home/user/tools/nginx/ /var/log/nginx/error.log

5. At this stage, the system waits for logrotate to execute. In order to speed up the process, this will be simulated by connecting to the Linux VM via a different terminal.

Linux VM – Terminal 2

1. Once logged in, type: su root

2. The root password is password123

3. As root, type the following: invoke-rc.d nginx rotate >/dev/null 2>&1

4. Switch back to the previous terminal.

Linux VM – Terminal 1

1. From the output, notice that the exploit continued its execution.

2. In command prompt type: id

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