Lab_04 - Networking

Lab 04: Networking

In this lab, we will work with Kubernetes services, and use them to allow the outside world to access our pods.

Running a Custom Pod

We will use a custom webserver for this lab, just so you can see the inner workings of Kubernetes. Use kubectl run to start a pod (or, more correctly, a deployment) based on the bogd/python-webserver image.

The custom webserver (which is really just a small Python program serving the results of a shell script) listens on port 8080. Get the pod IP address, and connect to it using curl. You should see a webpage listing the hostname and IP addresses of the pod.


kubectl run pws --image=bogd/python-webserver

Delete the deployment


kubectl delete pod pws

Create a YAML file (16-python-pod.yaml) that describes a pod based on this image. The pod name should be pws-01.

Create a pod based on the YAML file. Make sure that you can connect to the pod IP address using curl.



apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pws-01
    - image: bogd/python-webserver
      name: pws
kubectl apply -f 16-python-pod.yaml
kubectl get pod -o wide
curl IP_ADDR:8080

Delete the pod and recreate it from the YAML file. Try to connect to the same IP address again.

What happens?


kubectl delete pod pws-01
kubectl apply -f 16-python-pod.yaml
curl IP_ADDR:8080
kubectl get pod -o wide


Most likely, the IP address has changed, even though the pod is absolutely identical to the previous one. It is never a good practice to rely on pod IP addresses in order to connect!

Running a Custom Pod

OK then - we will create a service. Write a YAML file (17-service.yaml) describing a service:

  • The service name should be webservice-01

  • The service should match on selector app: webserver-01

  • The service should use TCP port 8080

Create a service based on this file. Verify that the service has been created successfully, and note the IP address allocated to the service.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: ...
    key: value
    - protocol: TCP
      port: ...


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: webservice-01
    key: value
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8080
kubectl apply -f 17-service.yaml
kubectl get svc

Using curl, try to connect to the service IP address. What happens? Why? We still have a pod running - why isn’t this working??


Take a closer look at the service, using kubectl describe svc . Look under „Endpoints”.


There is no answer because there is no actual endpoint to respond. No pod in the system has a label matching the service selector.

kubectl describe svc

Let us fix the issue - label the existing pod with the correct label, so that it will be correctly associated with the service.


The pod label has to match the service selector.


kubectl label pod pws-01 app=webserver-01

Look at the service again. The pod should have automatically been added to the list of endpoints.


kubectl describe svc webservice-01

Connect to the service again. This time, you should receive a response from the server.


curl IP_ADDRESS:8080

Modify the 16-python-pod.yaml file and add the label to the pod. This way, every time you create a pod based on this YAML file, it will automatically be labeled and picked up by the service.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pws-01
    app: webserver-01
    - image: bogd/python-webserver
      name: pws

Delete the existing pod, and recreate it from the YAML file. Connect via curl to the service IP. You should still receive a response, even though the pod has changed (different pod IP).


kubectl delete pod pws-01
kubectl apply -f 16-python-pod.yaml
curl IP_ADDRESS:8080

Load Balancing

We will now create a new pod, identical to the first one.

Copy the 16-python-pod.yaml file to 18-python-pod2.yaml.

Edit the 18-python-pod2.yaml ,changing the pod name to pws-02. Create a pod based on this new file.



apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pws-02
  app: webserver-01
    - image: bogd/python-webserver
  name: pws
kubectl apply -f 18-python-pod2.yaml

Look at the service endpoints - what do you see?


kubectl describe svc webservice-01

Connect to the service IP using curl, repeatedly. What do you notice?


The service automatically load balances between the servers. You will receive some replies from the first pod, others from the second one.

curl IP_ADDRESS:8080

Services are OK for accessing data within the cluster - but what happens when we need to expose our applications to the outside world? Well… we'll still use a service - just a different type!

Copy the 17-service.yaml to 19-service-nodeport.yaml

Edit the new file:

  • Change she service name to webservice-02

  • Specify the service type (under .spec.type ) as NodePort

Create a service based on this file.



apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: webservice-02
    app: webserver-01
  type: NodePort
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8080
kubectl apply -f 19-service-nodeport.yaml

Look at the list of services to find out the external port allocated for this service (by default it is a random port from a range above 30000).

kubectl get svc

Since the Kubernetes nodes are behind a NAT device, and using private IP addresses, we cannot connect to them directly. However, we can use the proxy to connect to them. Open a web browser on your laptop, and try connecting to one of the Kubernetes nodes, on the external port.


You will need to look up the private IP addresses of your nodes (kubectl describe node). Once you have them, use an URL like the following:

(replace with the IP address of your node, and 30554 with the service external port)

When a NodePort-type service is created, we can connect to the service using the allocated port on the IP address of every Kubernetes node!

Try refreshing your browser several times. What do you see?


The service automatically load balances between the two pods - you will see the IP address and hostname change, depending on which pod has been selected to answer your request.

Try connecting (via proxy) to the IP address of another Kubernetes node, on the same service port. What happens?


The result is exactly the same - the service behaves exactly the same, no matter what node you are connecting to, and what node the pod is actually running on!

Delete all services and pods.


kubectl delete svc,pod --all

Challenge: A Replicated Web Server

If you want a real challenge, try to implement this task - a complete, end-to-end, deployment of replicated web servers, all serving the same static content.


You already have all the necessary pieces to implement this. You just need to put them together.

Create a deployment of multiple web servers, all serving the same content. All the information necessary for this should be in a single YAML file.

  • The deployment should start with 4 replicas (but we can easily scale it up or down)

  • The webservers should use the nginx image

  • The webservers should mount an NFS volume from

  • The volume should be mounted under /usr/share/nginx/html (the default nginx web root), so that nginx will automatically serve static content from the NFS volume

  • The same YAML file should also create a service that exposes this server pool on a NodePort

In the end, you should be able to access your servers from the outside (via the proxy server).


For the NFS volume, you can use PV/PVCs, or you can map the volume directly to the pod. Your choice!

Cleaning Up

Delete all deployments, replicasets, services and pods.


kubectl delete svc,pod,rs,deployment --all

Last updated