Lab_01 - Running Workloads Imperatively

Lab 01: Running Workloads Imperatively

In this lab, you will begin to run actual workloads on our Kubernetes cluster.

Enabling Bash Completion

Bash Completion

While not technically necessary, this step will help you a lot while working with Kubernetes. Enable k8s command completion for the current session using the following command:

source <(kubectl completion bash)

Persistent Bash Completion

To enable bash completion for all future sessions, add the command to your .bashrc file:

echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc

Test Bash Completion

Try it out - list all pods in all namespaces, this time using tab completion.


kubectl get po[TAB] # gets completed to "pod"
kubectl get pods --all[TAB][TAB] # lists all available options starting with "–all"

Taking a Look Around

List all the namespaces in your cluster.


Namespaces are a resource just like everything else in k8s.

kubectl get ...


kubectl get namespaces

List all the pods in each namespace.


kubectl get pods -n kube-public
kubectl get pods -n default
kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Right now, the only running pods are inside the kube-system namespace. List the pods, including the node on which every pod is currently running.


The -o wide option for kubectl get pods will help.


kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide

Do you notice a pattern in the pod-to-node distribution?


There are actually several patterns:

  • Some pods (like the kube-proxy ones) run a copy of the pod on each node in the cluster. These are part of so-called DaemonSets.

  • Other pods (like the controller-manager) only run on the master

  • Yet other pods (like the user workloads, which we will soon see) are not normally scheduled on the master - only on the worker nodes.

Running a Simple Pod

Run a simple pod based on the alpine image (a very small, very lightweight, Linux image). Use the following options, without specifying anything else:

  • pod name: alpine1

  • image name: alpine

  • interactive mode, keep tty open (-it)

  • command to run: sh


kubectl run ...


kubectl run -it alpine1 --image=alpine sh

You should end up at a command-line prompt inside the pod. Verify this by checking the hostname of the machine you are now on.


Keep in mind that connecting and running commands directly inside a container is NOT a best practice! We are just using it in the lab to illustrate various behaviours (also, it can be very useful for troubleshooting container issues).



What is the IP address of this pod?



Exit the interactive session, leaving the pod running


Press Ctrl-P Ctrl-Q.

Display a list of pods. What is the status of the pod? On which host is the pod running?


kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -o wide

Get the IP address of the pod, as it is known by Kubernetes.


kubectl describe ...


kubectl describe pod alpine1

Ping the pod’s IP address. Can you reach it? (Optional: also try to ping it from another node).


We will get back to this in a future lesson, but this is the β€žmagic” of Kubernetes networking - all pods are reachable from all nodes, on the same (private) IP address!


ping POD_IP

Running nginx

Run a new pod, with the following settings:

  • name: nginx1

  • image name: nginx


This is a β€žnormal” pod - there is no need to run it in interactive mode. Also, since the nginx image will automatically start the nginx daemon, there is no need to specify a command to run.


kubectl run nginx1 --image=nginx

Check that the pod is running. On what host has it been scheduled?


Chances are it has been scheduled on the other node (not the one on which the alpine pod is running). Kubernetes does its best to balance the workload among worker nodes.


kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -o wide

What is the IP address of the pod?


kubectl describe ...


kubectl describe pod nginx1

Connect to the IP address by using curl. You should see the default nginx welcome page.


curl POD_IP

Getting Inside a Running Pod

Run a bash shell inside the nginx pod.


kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- COMMAND


kubectl exec -it nginx1 bash

Change the contents of the default nginx index.html file: /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html.


You could use a text editor or the following command:

echo "new content" > /path/to/desired/file.html

Exit the shell (type exit or press Ctrl-D). Is the pod still running? Why or why not?


When the main process inside a container is stopped, the entire container stops. However, the shell was not the main process inside the container - the main process was (and still is) nginx!


From inside the pod:


From the host (node):

kubectl get pod

Using curl, connect to the web server once again. You should receive the new contents of the index.html file.

Deleting a Pod

Time to do some cleanup… delete the alpine1 pod.


kubectl get pod
kubectl delete pod alpine1
kubectl delete pod nginx1

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