CSRF Prompt Bypass
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This CSRF attack will bypass user confirmation prompts
CSRF is an attack that tricks the victim into loading a page that contains a "forged request" to execute commands with the victim's credentials
Prompting a user to confirm or cancel the command might sound like a solution, but can be bypassed if the prompt is scriptable
This can also apply to a series of prompts such as a wizard or issuing multiple unrelated forged requests
Inspect the page beforehand
We see from the source code that the next forged command will need the following URL: attack?Screen=1471017872&menu=900
From this we see the next forged command will need the following URL: attack?Screen=1471017872&menu=900&transferFunds=CONFIRM
We can load this malicious request into either an image or an iframe
The next step is to add the additional forged confirmation request
However, an additional iframe or image with this URL will not be sufficient
The second request must load AFTER the first
So, add JavaScript to load the 2nd command after the first
For iframes, make the onload attribute of the 1st frame set the src of the 2nd iframe
id="myFrame" frameborder="1" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0" width="800" scrolling=yes height="300"
id="frame2" frameborder="1" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0" width="800" scrolling=yes height="300">
In a real attack the results would try to hide the results from the end user
E.g. Using
a small or invisible iframe
If using image tags, loading an html page as an image will cause an error
Use the onerror attribute in place of onload
<img id="image2" >