CSRF Prompt Bypass

  • This CSRF attack will bypass user confirmation prompts

  • CSRF is an attack that tricks the victim into loading a page that contains a "forged request" to execute commands with the victim's credentials

  • Prompting a user to confirm or cancel the command might sound like a solution, but can be bypassed if the prompt is scriptable

    • This can also apply to a series of prompts such as a wizard or issuing multiple unrelated forged requests


Inspect the page beforehand


  • We see from the source code that the next forged command will need the following URL: attack?Screen=1471017872&menu=900

  • From this we see the next forged command will need the following URL: attack?Screen=1471017872&menu=900&transferFunds=CONFIRM

  • We can load this malicious request into either an image or an iframe

  • The next step is to add the additional forged confirmation request

    • However, an additional iframe or image with this URL will not be sufficient

    • The second request must load AFTER the first

  • So, add JavaScript to load the 2nd command after the first

    • For iframes, make the onload attribute of the 1st frame set the src of the 2nd iframe



id="myFrame" frameborder="1" marginwidth="0"

marginheight="0" width="800" scrolling=yes height="300"




id="frame2" frameborder="1" marginwidth="0"

marginheight="0" width="800" scrolling=yes height="300">


  • In a real attack the results would try to hide the results from the end user

    • E.g. Using

      a small or invisible iframe

  • If using image tags, loading an html page as an image will cause an error

    • Use the onerror attribute in place of onload




<img id="image2" >

Last updated