
RFC 6819 - (Threat Model and Security Considerations)

Token interception and tampering is a method of compromising the security of OAuth authentication by intercepting or altering the access tokens used for authorization. Here is an example of a token interception and tampering method from an ethical hacker perspective:

  1. Reconnaissance: Gather information about the OAuth implementation, including the endpoints used, the types of tokens used, and the OAuth flows supported.

  2. Test for unencrypted tokens: Check if the tokens are being transmitted over an unencrypted channel, such as HTTP, instead of HTTPS. This can potentially allow an attacker to intercept the tokens and gain unauthorized access to protected resources.

  3. Test for token replay attacks: Determine if the OAuth implementation is vulnerable to token replay attacks, where an attacker intercepts a token and uses it multiple times to gain unauthorized access to protected resources.

  4. Test for token injection attacks: Check if the OAuth implementation is vulnerable to token injection attacks, where an attacker modifies the token to gain unauthorized access to protected resources.

  5. Evaluate the security of the token storage: Test the security of the token storage mechanism, including checking for any vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to access or alter stored tokens.

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