Course Materials

Course Materials

PART I: Introduction to Kubernetes

Chapter 01: Introduction

Chapter 02: Container and Docker Review

Chapter 03: Kubernetes History and Architecture

Chapter 04: Running Workloads Imperatively

Chapter 05: The Declarative Model

Chapter 06: Persisting Data

Chapter 07: Networking

PART II: Kubernetes Hardening

Chapter 08: General Hardening

Chapter 09: Tools to analyze a cluster

Chapter 10: Audit IaC Code

Chapter 11: Kubernetes API Hardening

Chapter 12: SecurityContext Hardening

Chapter 13: Kubernetes Network Policies

Chapter 14: Audit Logging and Threat Detection

Chapter 15: Best Practices

PART II: Kubernetes Hardening

Chapter 16: From the Outside

Chapter 17: From inside a Pod

Chapter 18: Kubernetes Post-Explotation

Chapter 19: Kubernetes Post-Explotation Part 2

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