Off-by-One Overflows

  • Despite being more rare, buffer overflow vulnerabilities on the web occur when a tier of the application has insufficient memory allocated to deal with the data submitted by the user

  • Typically, such a tier would be written in C or a similar language


  • Start by entering in your info and submitting

  • There are some hidden forms on the next page

    • Use Chrome Web Developer to reveal them

      • Display Form Details

  • We can see that the room number form field has a weakness to 4097 digits

    • 4096 is the maximum it can handle (4 kB)

      • Defined by the programmer

  • Create a script to generate 4097 digits of data

  • Copy and paste the numbers into the room form field

  • On the next page deactivate and reactivate to Display Form Details in Web Developer

  • You will now see a data leakage of a bunch of other users on the page due to our successful Off By One buffer overflow attack

  • Enter in the name and room number of one of them to complete the challenge

Last updated