Metasploit Console
always start Metasploit with:
msfdb run
this will start the db first and then start Metasploit
Metasploit Listener
use exploit/multi/handler
set the params and then run
payload, LHOST, and LPORT
LPORT must be the same as the LPORT that you set when you created the payload in msfvenom
payload should be same as the payload that you created in msfvenom
*** There is a bug where the set LHOST tun0 doesn't set the first time
up arrow and enter to submit it twice
Exploit suggester
use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
displays information about the currently selected module
scan hosts with Nmap and have the scan output inserted into the MSF database
we can use 'setg' instead of 'set' to make the setting of a variable global
e.g. setg RHOSTS
will apply this settings to all modules with the RHOSTS variable
search <technology>
info <module name>
use <module name>
set <parameter>=<value>
exploit (or run)
Getting a meterpreter shell
sessions -i 1
Last updated